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Sunday, April 22, 2007

A Visit to a Restaurant

Yesterday we didn't do a long walk. Mom and Dad were out running errands too late, and it got dark. They took our human sister to a restaurant. Would you believe they let toddlers in, but not dogs? That's so unfair. We're MUCH cleaner than toddlers! Here's Avi waiting for Dad to give her some chocolate pudding:
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
You should have seen how messy she was when they got home! Mom said Avi even painted the wall next to her with mashed potatoes, and that she cleaned her up in the bathroom before they came home. Howl! As messy as she was when she got home, if that was cleaned up, she was REALLY messy! We could have used her as a walking billboard for why dogs should be allowed in restaurants! Not only are we neater, the restaurants could save lots of money on vacuum cleaner bags, since we would clean up anything on the floor, and they wouldn't even have to pay us to do it! This job we'd do for free!

1 woos:

Khady Lynn said...

My human's company also has a "bring your child to work day" but they won't let her bring her furry child to work. And I guarantee any of us, well, except maybe for Sam, are much better behaved than any human child!


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