The Virtual Fire Hydrant

Please Help Us Find Blue: His Family Misses Him!

HULA Certification

HULA Certificate

Monday, April 30, 2007

ASHRA: Arizona Siberian Husky Rescue and Adoption

Guess what Mom did! She emailed Arizona's Sibe rescue to see if she could volunteer for them! She told them that she would like to help in any way she could, including fostering whenever possible, though that part might not happen because our fence is a foot lower than they would really like. But somebody emailed her back! The lady said she would send Mom's phone number to the Tucson volunteers, and Mom might get to make home visits to make sure possible furever homes are good for homeless Sibes! Isn't that great? I hope she does get to foster, though. It would be nice to have another Sibe to play with! Not that my sisters aren't cool, but it would still be nice.

I wonder, though...Mom is dead set on leaving Arizona as soon as possible. But she says we may have to stay here until the house sells, and that might take awhile! She says that if we can sell this property, then we can all go to New York and rent a place while we look for a place to buy. That will be fun! Well, maybe not the renting part, but I liked some of the houses I saw while I was looking over Mom's shoulder. One place Mom really liked has 58 acres, and some of it was woods with a pond or a stream, I think, with deer! It was in a town called Chase Mills, up near the Canadian border and Lake Ontario! That would be a really, really nice place to run! I hope she figures out what we're doing soon, and I really hope this house can sell fast!! And in the meantime, we can help other Sibes. Maybe, if I'm really, really lucky, Mom will find another Sibe that can be another furever brother or sister. After all, Wolfie will be going back to his family when they move, and I'll be the only boy here. No, the cat doesn't count even though he's a boy. He's a cat, and an obnoxious one, so I don't acknowledge his existence.

Well, it's bedtime, so I've got to go. That means I can poke my nose into the baby's laundry and find crumbs of what she ate today!

3 woos:

The Army of Four said...

Hey Thor! What happened to your photo?
Play bows,

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

That is really cool that your mom is helping out the rescue! You must have a great mom.


Khady Lynn said...

My mom likes to help rescue too! She gives money and has even rescued 3 of us (ok, 2 huskies and 1 mal).

I hear upstate NY is quite pretty, and probably much cooler than Arizona!!


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