I've been tagged by Echo for a new game! It's really easy--you spell out your name in Japanese, using this key:
A - ka, B - tu, C - mi, D -te, E - ku, F - lu, G - ji, H - ri, I - ki, J - zu, K - me, L - ta, M - rin, N - to, O - mo, P - no, Q - ke, R - shi, S - ari, T - chi, U - do, V - ru, W - mei, X - na, Y - fu, Z - zi
Here are all of our names:
Thor: Chirimoshi
Lita: Takichiki
Smoky: Aririnmomefu
Bandit: Tukatotekichi
We did Mama, Dad, and the little biped too--now efurrypuppy that doesn't know them can work backwards to figure out their names! Ha roo! Arichikamifu, Karukatamoto, Chishimofu--who's who?!
Now I tag the ThunderStorm, Sitka and Tia, Huffle Mawson, Turbo, Tucker, and Indy!
The Virtual Fire Hydrant
Please Help Us Find Blue: His Family Misses Him!
Monday, May 19, 2008
The Name Game
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Tagged and Tagging
Mama is finally letting me back on the computer. It's about time! I got tagged by my friends Echo and Fenway, and I have been patiently waiting for Mama to let me do this! So here are the rules:
1. Post a 6-word memoir on your blog and include visuals if you'd like.
2. Link to the blog and dog who tagged you, ideally to their original memoir post.
3. Tag at least 5 more pups with blogs, link to them, and leave a comment with an invitation to play.
So without further ado, my six words:
1. Handsome
2. Fortunate
3. Rescued
4. Loving (and loved!)
5. Happy
6. Affectionate
I didn't feel like taking pictures, so you'll have to content yourself with pictures already in various places in the blog!
I'm tagging Shelby and Maddox, the Rasta Boyz, the RHP, the Kapp Pack, and Flurry and Aja!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Thor vs. Troy
Mama filmed us playing with Dad tonight! Well, me, mostly. Our camera isn't all that great, so the picture is a little fuzzy, but you can still see it!
Mama didn't even get upset when I stepped on her foot; she just laughed at me. We are much loved pups!
Monday, May 5, 2008
A Furball in Need
Our Mala-pal, Holly, has posted a challenge issued by her friend Izzie, to post this badge on our blogs and click on it every day for a week.