Mama got an email from Dogster that said that because we were members, we could get a calendar from them and Shutterfly as a Christmas gift! We would have to make the calendar, though, and Mama got the bright idea to make one of all my Sibernet friends! So far, lots of 'em have sent us pictures. We've got the Ao4, Lakshmi, Ziggy and Marley, Khyra, Steve and Kat, Blaze, Holly, and, of course, me and my honorary Sibe sisters Smoky and Bandit. Summit's and Stormy's mamas said they're gonna send some too, and I hope we get some from Queen Natasha the Evil, Meeshka, the Hubley Hooligans, Kali...gee, I didn't realize how many friends I had! Efurrydog, send Mama pictures so we can make a really good calendar to share with efurryone! Thank Dog we can do it as a collage, so that we can actually fit everybody in!! And would you believe that Mama says she isn't going to let me put in more than one picture of myself?! She says I have to leave room for my friends, but I'm her Sibe, and she's always saying I'm the most beautiful Sibe in the world, so I should be able to put in more than one picture, shouldn't I? Oh, well, maybe I can sneak another one in later! So, remember: send lots of pictures!
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14 years ago
2 woos:
I think it is very cool that you are doing that! I can't wait to see it when it is done!
Will we be able to look at it online?
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