It's my turn now! Shove over, Thor. Listen, everypup, Thor thinks he's the king of this house, and that there is no queen. Well, that's not true, no matter what he thinks! Men! I am the oldest dog in this house, since I'm four and he's three, and my sister and I have been here a lot longer than he has! Not only that, but Mama swears I'm the reincarnation of Smoky I, which would mean that I've been here for eight years. It also means that I'm very special to Mama, so there, Thor! Sheesh. Sometimes, you just have to put him in his place. Brothers can be so obnoxious sometimes. My sister Bandit doesn't have two brain cells to rub together, so she's completely oblivious to his obnoxious side. But I love them both anyway. I just can't figure out why!
Lab khisses,
The Virtual Fire Hydrant
Please Help Us Find Blue: His Family Misses Him!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
My turn!
We missed all the fun!
Summi's and Holly's mamas drove all over the world and got to meet Dave, Zim, Storm, and my sweet Amber, and they met Skylar and Thunder and Stormy in Colorado too! I would be jealous, but Summi and Holly didn't get to go on the road trip either. Now I really want our house to sell, so we can go on a big road trip too! Maybe I can get Mama to find all my friends so we can meet them on our way across the country! Wouldn't that be fun? I want to meet EVERYDOG! Of course, that means I would have to share introductions with Smoky and Bandit too, which I wouldn't like much, but I guess some sacrifices would have to be made. It would be hard, since I barely tolerate them sharing Mama with me. Mama should be paying attention to me only! Well, and the baby too, I guess. If she has to. I don't mind sharing Dad with them, much, but Mama is mine, and they can't seem to get that through their heads! You know what they told me? That they were here first, and therefore Mama is theirs, and they are being kind enough to share her with me!! Can you believe that? They aren't even Sibes! Well, actually, I'm not sure about that anymore. Smoky howls more now since she got spayed, and she actually sounds pretty musical! Dad says I taught her how, but I never howl! Wait--maybe they're the Sibes, and I'm not?! No, that can't be right. I'm confused now. I think I'll go take a nap and sort things out.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
A Good Day
We had a really good day today. Mama spent some time just lying on the floor with us. Not doing anything, just lying with us. Then she fell asleep on the floor with me for awhile, and when the baby woke up and mama went to cook dinner, she let us have the leftovers that Dad and Avi decided they didn't like. Of course, that meant we didn't get kibble tonight, but we didn't mind. Then she baked sugar cookies, and let each of us have one. We wanted more, but mama wasn't going for it. Oh, well, at least we got one each! So it was a nice quiet day. We didn't do much of anything, but it didn't matter!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
They're Baaa-aaack!
My sisters finally got their staples removed yesterday, and Smoky got her ears rechecked, which she isn't happy about. She has a chronic ear infection that seems to be really resistant to the antibiotics, so she has more antibiotics and an ear flush now, which makes her really unhappy. But the headgear is all gone now, so they can run and play with me again! But then I got really unhappy, because I forgot that now that everything is getting back to normal, I have to share mama's attention again! I don't like that, and I made sure they knew it! I pushed Smoky off mama's lap twice, and climbed on top of Bandit who was playing with mama on the floor, and knocked mama over by accident. Ooops! But she didn't mind and just laughed at me!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year, everydog! I started out the new year with a bang, sort of! Since my sisters were spayed and now have staples in their bellies, at least for one more day, mama has been making them sleep in separate crates, which means that Smoky is using my crate temporarily. Which means that I get to roam the house at will. Well, since I was bored, and I didn't feel like chewing on the toys mama gave me, I decided that it would be fun to chew off the plug of the air conditioner that mama had borrowed over the summer. No, it wasn't plugged in! She kind of freaked out, and she and dad decided that if they weren't going to be home, they would put me in the bathroom while they were out. I fixed them good! The first time, I was a very good boy. I took mama's sweatshirt to lay on, but that was it. But the second time, ha! We had what dad calls a "microburst", which took off the door of the water heater closet outside, and smashed it into the bathroom window, which, of course, broke. Mama and dad took out the window and all the glass and cleaned up, and put in a board until they can go get a new window. They had to go out this morning, so they put me in the bathroom. I waited until they left, then carefully took apart their repair work and jumped out the window into the dog run! I got to hang out all by myself for a couple of hours. When they got home, dad came in first to let everydog outside, and I jumped him at the back door! So he went and told mama that I was already outside, and how I had gotten there. Mama freaked a bit, so I guess I won't be seeing much of the bathroom anymore. Success!!
Thought you could use a couple new pictures of my handsome self while I was at this blogging thing.
Woos until next time,